Jonathon Strangeways Canadian Road Trip

Tamara Eberle of Traction Strategy, a customer of Elgood Effective Learning, recounts Jonathon Strangeways Canadian Road Trip.

What to do a Road Trip with Co-Workers

A recent leadership team retreat we facilitated started with several cars of team members driving for 4 hrs to the retreat location. To help them pass the time and activate their engagement for the next 3 days, we gave them all a mystery challenge to solve faster than the groups in the other cars (additional clues and hints were sent by text as they travelled). Thank you to the wonderful Elgood for this excellent and engaging game (Jonathon Strangeways)! The game is fun but it is also very much about collaborative problem solving, teamwork, decision-making and communication. One of the big takeaways for the group was to ‘check your assumptions’ about the information you have and what you don’t have, and that, even with all the same facts, we interpret things differently and can end up with different conclusions. Some enjoyed it so much they asked if there was another one for the way home!