Customer Experience Training Collaboration Opportunity

Customer Experience Training Collaboration Opportunity

Would your organisation like the opportunity to collaborate in the design of a business simulation game to enhance customer experience?

Working in partnership Clarity CX and Elgood Effective Learning are in the early stages of designing a game to help organisations improve the experience of their customers. We are developing two versions:

For internal service departments/helpdesks; how to deliver a consumer grade experience internally to support a customer centric culture and, For customer facing staff; teaching how to help transition customers from “satisfied” to “raving fans”.
We believe a business simulation game is an ideal vehicle for this audience where many roles are outcome focussed and poor handling of issues by staff can have a big impact on the organisation, latest research tells us that:

  • 95% of dissatisfied customers tell others about their bad experience (Zendesk).
  • 1 happy customer can equal as many as 9 referrals for your business.
  • Get it right and we attract more customers but get it wrong and the customer pipeline dries up.

The objectives for the two products are as follows:

Internal customer game – After participating in this activity staff will be able to:

  • Manage interactions in a consistent and positive way.
  • Remain calm and rational when dealing with an issue.
  • Feel more confident dealing with internal customers.
  • Increase first time resolutions to queries and problems.
  • Develop employee ownership of the customer experience.

External customers – After participating in this activity staff will be able to:

  • Manage customer interactions in a consistent and positive way
  • Remain calm and rational when dealing with customers.
  • Create a personal connection and drive creative engagement with customers.
  • Identify the real cause of an issue and resolve it first time.
  • Recognise how the original problem and solution impact on the wider business.

Read the full outline for external customers and internal customers.

Is your organisation concerned about any of the issues we have identified? If it is then maybe you would like to be part of the development team? As part of the team you would have an input into, the overall design of the games, and the opportunity to use them with your organisation during testing. Staff from your organisation would benefit from thinking through the issues as designers, be able to facilitate the activity with the wider community, you will have raised the profile of this issue for the business and provided essential training to staff. Please express your interest by contacting [email protected] or [email protected] or contact us.